Organizational management

As part of the jurisdiction of XBRL in the Russian Federation the following activity areas of working groups and committees have been developed:

  • Best practices committee

The committee is focused on the resolution of issues and the formulation of proposals in terms of increasing the quality of data collected in the XBRL projects in the area of ​​jurisdiction. Proposals can be both methodological and technological.

Another activity is to prevent mismatches between different XBRL taxonomies (including validation of business rules), created as part of the projects in the territory of jurisdiction, as well as with major international taxonomies.

Other objectives of this direction - is the development of uniform and unambiguous guidance on how to implement the mapping data to XBRL taxonomies, and working on the basis of the rules of common open-source, automated validation rules to check the compliance with XBRL reporting, prevention and detection of errors in the tags statements.

Quality control is also associated with the active involvement of the supervised institutions and IT companies, providing technological solutions in terms of XBRL reporting.

  • Technology committee

Responsible for compliance with taxonomy standards, development of refinements and additions to the technical requirements of the taxonomies, IT systems and processes, discussion of the creation of the Russian Software for XBRL.

  • Methodology committee

Development and support of data models for the subsequent implementation of XBRL taxonomies (accounting (financial) reporting, supervision, statistics, international financial reporting standards, industry standards of financial statements, tax records, etc.). Responsible for interaction with federal authorities, regulatory bodies in the Russian Federation.

  • New members committee

Decisions on new members entry and participation in XBRL jurisdiction.


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